Hi, today I have first bust from new company called Ares Warforge, soon I’ll show you more busts from this manufacturer!
Chaos Sorcerers
Hi, just wanted to show you some Chaos Sorcerers. Two of them are limited edition metal miniatures, one is from 2010 Games Day and second was from Storm of Chaos, third one is plastic currentContinue reading
Giant Spined Chaos Beast
Next part of Nurgle 40k army – Giant Spined Beast from Forge World, painted same theme as previous miniatures.
Hello, next part of nurgles, this time Typhus, well armored badass from papa Nurgle’s home. I have converted his head to one from Chaos Chariot set.
Nurgle Dreadnoughts
Hi, here are some Nurgle Dreadnoughts from Forge World. Painted in toned olives and greens.
Aragorn (mounted)
Huh, long time without painting LotR miniatures. I always like this kind of stuff because they’re mostly naturally sculpted, also I’m a fan of LotR trilogy so here you have an Aragorn mounted on horse.
Grom the Paunch (conversion)
Hello, it’s my one of latest paintjobs, orc Grom the Paunch converted in Warhammer 40.000 style by Youming Yeap and painted by me. Here is a converted miniature.
Mad Max Graffitiwagen
Hi there! I just want to show you my entry for Massivee Voodoo Mad Max 2 online competition. It’s 1:35 Mad Max Graffitti artist car based on WW2 era Ford truck. It was a greatContinue reading
Löwe 1:35 (Amusing Hobby)
Hi, here is my entry for Hussar 2015 vechicle. Panzerkampfwagen VII Löwe – super heavy tank I won gold with this one. It’s straight science fiction because tank was never built by Nazis. Tank modelContinue reading
Panther 1:35 (Tamyia)
Witner themed Panther tank, without aftermarket parts, just straight from Tamyia box.
Tiger I 1:35 (Academy)
Hi, It was done with some Aber photoetched stuff. I’m not a rivet counter, I’m interested in final effect and painting techniques than historical correct look. And here is my model:
King Tiger 1:35 (Tamyia)
Hi, it’s something unusual on my blog but I like AFV, especially tanks :) It was done straight from the box, without any photoetched parts and other aftermarket stuff. I’m not a rivet counter, I’mContinue reading
Hanako – a female dressed in traditional Geisha garb but armed with a daisho (matched set of long and short japanese swords). Great mini from Hasslefree Miniatures. Resin casting was really superb, like rest ofContinue reading
Lord Ulthrak
Lord Ulthrak, worshipper of the Dark Gods, leader of the Kran’duin Horde. Armed with a mightly battleaxe, bedecked in rune-engraved Darksteel armour and wearing an embossed leather greatcloak. Awesome mini from Hasslefree miniatures :) PaintedContinue reading
Great Unclean One
My recently painted big guy, it’s a next part of Nurgle Army I’m painting for a collector. Lot of work but it was worth as always! :) A Great Unclean One is a grotesquely corpulentContinue reading
Nurgle Lord
Another comission of Nurgle Lord in next color scheme, I called it spinach lord :) It was quite challenging to paint different color scheme after painting about 7-8 same minis but I think it’s workContinue reading
Forest Run
Hello! I’d like to present you my latest diorama with forest eternal chasing poor fisherman. It took a lot of time to complete but it was totally worth. Main miniature is from Puppetswar and it’sContinue reading
Barbarian Dude
Hello, finally I have finished Barbarian Dude, limited edition miniature from Raining Frog (http://rainingfrogsgarage.blogspot.com/p/online-store.html) Banner, hammer, base, and lot of stuff on this scene is a scratchbuild.
Forest basing and painting
Hello! Today I’d like to present you another step-by-step tutorial with basing and painting forest theme. I wanted to have rather dead, dark forest so don’t expect too much flowers :) 1. My basing materialsContinue reading
Grey Knight Captain
Hello, I’d like to show you my conversion of GK captain based on terminator legs and lot of various additions. Based on one 2d artwork.
Barbarian Dude WIP
Hello, I just wanted to show you some stuff from my desk, a bit converted barbarian dude. Celtic knots are really fun when you lose the end of knot. I used one of skeletons shieldContinue reading
Miniature mushrooms tutorial
Hello, in this short tutorial I’ll show you how I made miniature mushrooms. It’s fast and easy, so just check out pictures below. 1. First I put pins on cork and using Vallejo Plastic PuttyContinue reading
Latest painted Horus Primarch, I enjoyed a lot painting him. Soon I’ll make a tutrial how to make miniature candles.
Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) painting tutorial
Hello! Today I have a tutorial how I paint my Bolt Action German tanks. I’m also a player of this game so why not to share my way of painting. You can follow whole processContinue reading
Fantasy stair base painting
Hello! In this tutorial you can see how I paint stone surfaces. Base is mostly made of plaster and cork. First of all I primed whole base with Surface Primer Black. Before this step IContinue reading
Star Wars minis
Recently painted Star Wars miniatures. Single minis are from Knight Models, Snowspeeder 1:48 scale is from Fine Molds.
Assasin Bust
This guy left on shelf for over 2 years and now finished! So returned from my unfinished minis box to live. I’m proud that it’s already done :D
Dwarf Bust
Hello, I’d like to present you my latest painted Specnaz Dwarf bust from Werewoolf Miniatures.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Latest painted funny stuff – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Don’t know the manufacturer but minis have pretty cool, sharp sculpts. Minis are really small, something like 28 mm goblin size.
Kastelan Step-by-step
Hello! I’ve got for you tutorial how I painted Mechanicum Kastelan Robots. I just wanted to paint some mech and my choice was this little fellas. So, just check it out. First of all SurfaceContinue reading
Chaos Dwarf Bust
Hello, I’ve got something bigger than usual 28mm miniatures. Bust is from Werewoolf Miniatures, beautifuly casted, there is no cleaning, filling gaps and preparing to paint – after 5 mins is ready to priming. CongratsContinue reading
Strike Force Five
Hi, mini is a part of Strike Force Five team from PuppetsWar.eu. Pretty cool model, I like it a lot and for long time I was thinking about painting some mini gloss and shine. HereContinue reading
Desert post-apo base
Hello, today I’ll show you how I painted base made for one of „Strike Force Five” models I got from PuppetsWar.eu. I was thinking some time about making various bases for this guy, my lazynessContinue reading
Workshop refreshment with HobbyZone
This year summer bring some new stuff. Long time I was using my paints, they was dirty and used. I was thinking about refreshing my paint palette and reorganising workplace. First issue is to haveContinue reading
Nurgle Fantasy Army (part 1)
A lot of nurgles! There will be much more of them! Full-size army of rotten bellies. This is part 1, I decieded to paint most numerous groups first because they’re most exhausting work. So, soonContinue reading
Lord of Decay
Hello, I found some time to take better pictures of this ugly, rotten guy. Finally all details are visible. Also if you’re curious how to paint meaty cloak just check out this tut – MeatContinue reading
Today on my desk
Today on board, I’ve got many more nurgles in schelude, I’m finishing second unit and going to paint whole army, I always wanted to do that:)
Steampunk Boudi
I’d like to show you some of my new girls, one of them is Steampunk Boudi, made by Hasslefree Miniatures. Miniatures was casted in resin and details are really impressive. This miniature is sooo small!Continue reading
Age of Sigmar Liberator WIP
Latest time I don’t have too much time to paint other stuff than comissions but I decieded to paint one of this guys meanwhile. My latest work in progress with Age of Sigmar Liberator. SoonContinue reading
Nurgle Sorcerer
Some time ago I have an idea to make death bringer nurgle guy, half of base is dead, sorcerer is going to hunt on some elves :)
Druid Marines
Based on Space Wolves and Ancient Treeman kits I’ve made druid marines. I love the idea and hope in future will be much more of this fellas.
Citi Def Trooper
Miniature from Darkworldcreations, very detailed and every part fit perfect. I’m impreed how this guys made molds. Every mini should be done this way ;) Painted in my favorite pale greens.
Tyrion Lannister
Lately completed bust from Nuts Planet, what a fun to paint something bigger than usual 28mm guys. Enjoy!
Making trees tutorial
Hello, today I’d like to show you how I made a tree for japanese style garden. I used thin wire, some scissors, plastic putty from Vallejo and cracking medium from Games Workshop. Leaves are madeContinue reading
Mechanicum Knight and Automatas
This time some bigger Knight from Forge World and two smaller companions. Cerastus Knight-Castigator and Castallax Battle Automatas are pretty cool alternative for playing mechanicum, anyway FW casts could be much better for Automatas.. I’mContinue reading