Hello, I just wanted to show you some stuff from my desk, a bit converted barbarian dude. Celtic knots are really fun when you lose the end of knot. I used one of skeletons shieldContinue reading
Kategoria: Work in Progress
Today on my desk
Today on board, I’ve got many more nurgles in schelude, I’m finishing second unit and going to paint whole army, I always wanted to do that:)
Age of Sigmar Liberator WIP
Latest time I don’t have too much time to paint other stuff than comissions but I decieded to paint one of this guys meanwhile. My latest work in progress with Age of Sigmar Liberator. SoonContinue reading
Kalyna W.I.P.
Some next mini from Hasslefree Minis, Kalyna, what a tiny savage girl Soon I’ll have pics with finished base. also I can show you first WIP shot of Bad Monz Stompa.
Krull, ready to paint
Finally in basecoat! I was waiting for this moment for a long, long time, succesfully I removed all mold lines, gaps, resculpted some details and other deffects of cast. With new armament Krull is readyContinue reading
my own vision of Krull axe
I didn’t like original one and have some ideas, I sketched some blades, chose one and drill it with hobby drill and knife, some sanpaper and other thigs. So concept plan, hobby drill, knife, sandpaperContinue reading
Girls and magic..
Some girls, this in pink skirt is mine, and second won’t stay with me when finished.. …and some more actual progress of Sorceress Hope you like it! :)
some work with freehands :)
Last time I want to paint something different than simple guys without any decorations and flat colors. Below is the result. Krueger from Circle of Orboros white sketch on base color some fading with yellowContinue reading
some WIP shots
I have some more pictures for today, last time I was too lazy to update blog daily or even weekly but I think it will change because I have much more to show very soonContinue reading
upcoming Blood Angels
now I have some work with Blood Angels, each one for different person, probably in March is time for some red minis :) Soon I’ll show you Baal Predator and Furioso Dreadnought in red scheme.Continue reading
Tomb Stalker base
some a bit more painted base than before, It will be a stand for Necron Tomb Stalker.
..some other stuff on my desk
Nurgle lord showed some posts before.. …and my to-do-list waiting for finish. Astorath, Justaern Pattern Terminators + converted Abaddon, Furioso Dreadnought, old Long Fangs.. Huh, it’s a lot work to do, so I have toContinue reading
Kranon cape WIP shots
Finally I’ve found some time to paint my minis, Kranon is waiting for some paint till 40k starter release. He was a couple of months forgotten. Now I paint some details on cape. Pattern isContinue reading
Vendetta WIP shots
some work left to do, highlights, midtones, scratches, dirt and many more… and here is one of my favourite german WWII bombers, Heinkel He-177 Greif
Aircrafts almost ready to virgin flight :)
..but it need some work to finish. Mostly bottom part of fighter.
some Thousand Sons progress
…soon I’ll show you finished aspiring sorcerer :) Hope you like it!
some bomber WIP pictures
Hello, just want to show you some progress with chaos bomber (Hell Talon from Forge World). And below is the plan how to paint bomber :D
Some loops and knots WIP
Some WIP shot of Verthandi clothes. Firstly I hate this loops and knots… but now It’s only a matter of time to highlight and shade pattern. I feel that I can dive for long timeContinue reading
Dorothy and the gang diorama (some WIP shots)
Hi, I’m making some diorama now and want to show you some work in progress pictures. Most of pieces on this scene is scratchbuild. Whole base is made of plaster, building is cork and plaster,Continue reading
Abyssal Warlord WIP shots
Hi, I got some updates with Abyssal warlord, 75mm mini. I made yesterday base for this big guy. There are some areas to finish like hands, some armour, shield, details and many more things. AlsoContinue reading
Skyrar’s wolves comin soon!
Some WIP shots for you :)
Continuation of my enigma paintings :)
paint, paint, paint….. It’s really challenging to paint this guy because details are not so sharp and need to be improved by painting… Anyway, another great mini from Enigma miniatures.
Working with Lilith
I’m working with some commissions now, You’ll see finished minis very soon. I’m gonig to go out to the countryside (almost in forest) with my painting firends so It will be a good painting session!Continue reading
…this time Coteaz in turquoise
Coteaz WIP and some swirls, swirls, and swirls, on front clohes I plan paint another swirls so it will be repainted. Hammer will be made of dark green serpentinite rock. And base from granite stonesContinue reading
Ork work
Today I’m working with BIG Ork… ..and listening to some „classic” music, it really improve painting! :)
Grey dwarf and his servant
Propably next week I’ll make a base for this guys… :) Minis are from Umbra Turris range, very good quality minis!
Some tanks on my desk…
Sometime I think that I’m painting to many tanks last time ;)
Blue Shirke (WIP)
What do you think about this color sheme? Little bit different than catalogue version :)
Blue WIP’s
Blue, ice blue, grey blue.. Just blue.
Some basing fun!
Almost finished minis… I really enjoy with making bases for them!
Some updates with eldar heroes
It’s my first time I paint Eldars, quite nice guys.
Still working with Typhus
Another day with green rusty armor.. Now I’m thinking about base for this mini with lot of rust, dirty water and some spiderwebs. Propably base will have 4 slots, one Typhus and rest for plagueContinue reading
Maugan Ra and Typhus coming.. (WIP)
Good morning ladies and gentelmens, last time I had finished some minis (cryx pistol wraiths, scrap thralls and some more from my warmachine army) but I have to get into my „photo studio” to showContinue reading