The commissioned Last Hearth Inn complete bundle 3d printed out of ASA 275, later smoothed with MEK and fully painted on display level. The Last Hearth Inn Main building in the set, here all ofContinue reading
Kategoria: Large models
Nova Marines Army (part 2)
„The existence of the Alien is a problem with but one solution: Extermination. When Mankind is alone in the cosmos, only then will we have achieved our destiny.” — Lucretius Corvo, First Chapter Master ofContinue reading
Melusines and Blood-Maw Vore
Hi, I’d like to show you commissioned Melusines and Blood-Maw Vore from Mierce Miniatures. Pretty cool minis to paint. I really enjoyed painting these minis.
D&D Orc Camp
Commissioned Orc Camp – half of them are 3d printed out of ASA filament the rest is a resin casting.
D&D Orcs
Commissioned D&D orcs. Very cool sculpts to paint.
(not) Purple Worm
Hi, I’d like to show you a Purple Worm painted in unusual color scheme – painted like a pike fish.
Hell Guard
Commissioned Boxart for Karol Rudyk Art, 75mm Hell Guard from 9 Circles kickstarter.
Bell Warrior
Bell Warrior from Karol Rudyk Art miniatures – it’s 75mm scale.
Dracul Castle
Hi, here’s my biggest project I have ever painted. Hundreds of hours of preparing this giant 3d printed castle. Later on hundreds of hours of painting. Finally after months of work it’s finished. Castle isContinue reading
C&C:Red Alert diorama 1/285 scale
Command and Conquer: Red Alert diorama I did some time ago (1/285 or 6mm scale) All vechicles, infantry and buildings are 3d printed by me (you can find them on thingiverse).
Jalissa (3d printed)
Hi, here’s Jalissa from 'Female Miniatures’, 3d printed and painted by me. Awesome sculpt.
Great Unclean Hairy One
Well, I call it done. It was a cool journey with this conversion. Abandonned for a couple of years, thrown on a pile of shame, ressurected from the drawer and finally finished. It was veryContinue reading
Gaunt Ghosts
Huh, it was very intensive painting sessions What do you think about these guys and base?
Warcraft Orks army
My recent commissioned paintjobs for the Horde! All converted from existing sets.
Toy Hammer
Hi, all the story with painting Toy Hammer start somewhere around March 2020 when first COVID-19 lockdown was announced. From time to time I was adding next characters to the group. Goal is to convertContinue reading
Nurgle Chaos Spawn
Hello, I’d like to show you my latest painted froggy thing you can meet in the woods (sometimes). It look like a frog with #COVID19. Miniature is converted Chaos Spawn from Forge World. I haveContinue reading
Catachan Rescue Team
Hi, I’d like to present you my long time jungle diorama project. (longer description will be added later ;d) (Highly recommended – click picture to see full-size)
Hi, I’d like to show you one of my entries from Hussar 2019 Painting Competition. I’ve called it „HussarDozer” just because it’s a dozer – 1:35 scale model of Catterpillar D9R armored version that serveContinue reading
Gorak The Red
Gorak The Red from Black Sailors (Big Child Creatives) series finally with finished base, I have add some golden treasure to the chest and couple of other tiny touches. What do you think, he foundContinue reading
Savage Beauty
New pictures of Savage Beuty painted some time ago.
Nova Marines Army (part 1)
Finally done. Primaris Nova Marines army. All of them are painted with NMM… yes.. all of them. Don’t ask me how much time it took. I think it was worth! I have started this projectContinue reading
Rhinotaur (80mm scale)
Hi, I’ve got a couple of pictures of finished Rhinotaur, limited edition miniature from Allan Carrasco. I have converted it a bit, spear was replaced with mace, I add more head trophies, chains, some meat,Continue reading
Forest diorama tutorial
Hello, in this short article I’ll show you how I build my base for forest golem. First I cut shape of base in styrofoam, it’s 3 cm thick so it should be enough to makeContinue reading
Thin Ice
Winter diorama with 2 bears and marines. It was a pretty long process of making this dudes. Enjoy the winter!
Devil Bad dude
Bad dude – Devil in Hell. Simple as you can see :) I accept commissions if you’re interested. I’ve learnt a lot making this scene and for sure there will be more lava themed stuffContinue reading
Great Unclean One / Rotigus
New GW Great Unclean One finally finished! I thought that will be faster to paint :) All in all I’m very impressed with its size and amount of details.
Eye Tyrant
Finished Eye Tyrant, most famous in Beholder family, very soon I’ll have much more creatures from D&D world. Miniature is from Dungeons&Dragons Collector Series.
Fantasy Spiders
Hello, today I can show you some painted spiders, it’s continuation of arachnids like Gol Gul I painted some time ago. You can find there variety of species inspired by real living exotic and moreContinue reading
Mortarion – Primarch of Nurgle
My lastest finished miniature, Mortarion from Games Workshop. GW did fantastic work, miniature is purely awesome to paint! :D Below you can check results. I’ve used black for armor color and green nurgle accents. Enjoy!
Brass Scorpion
Hi, I wanted to present you my recently painted Brass Scorpion from Forge World. Massive block of resin but very very detailed. Here you can see Chaos Space Marines Iron Warriors version. It fit absolutelyContinue reading
Mortarch of Night
Mortarch of Night – converted and finally painted. Rider was taken from Zombie Dragon, banner is scratchbuilt. I’ve spent a lot of time painting this guy but I think final effect is worth it :)
My latest painted Lizardmen project – miniatures are from Mierce Miniatures, bases made with Scibor Miniatures basing kit.
Gol Gul, Barrow Spider
„Gol Gul, Barrow Spider” – pretty cool creation from Mierce Miniatures, inspired to paint with real spider. As you can see there are tiny hairs on his body – it’s my wife work. You canContinue reading
Cang the Implacable
Hi, just got finished Cang the Implacable – 10th anniversary CoolMiniOrNot dragon miniature. Enjoy!
Great Unclean One
Great Unclean One from Forge World – another color variation. This time ugly and human fleshy. You can find previous fat dude here – Great Unclean One
Chaos Lord on Manticore (Tzeentch)
This Tzzanuary I’ve got finished Chaos Lord on Manticore, it will be more minis of this theme in future :)
Cor’bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm
Another Nurgle themed creation – Cor’bax. Sculpted in old style by Forge World. Awesome miniature to paint. Painting this guy is very time consuming so be warned :)
Nurgle Chaos Spawn
Next nurgles finished, this time it’s Chaos Spawn from Forge World.
The Glottkin
The Glottkin – really bad and ugly dude. Finally finished!
Mórannach, Beast of Cill Chonn Bog
Hi, just finished Mórannach – quite big forest elemental. I throw away orginal resin branches because was too cracky and replaced with wire and epoxy glue ones. I add lot of foliage – grass, ferns,Continue reading
Kingdom of Death
You may ask what I was doing latest half year – here’s an answer – Kingdom of Death :) Heroes Bad Guys Unarmored Kit Leather Armor Kit Rawhide Armor Kit Lantern Armor Kit Lion ArmorContinue reading
Giant Spined Chaos Beast
Next part of Nurgle 40k army – Giant Spined Beast from Forge World, painted same theme as previous miniatures.
Great Unclean One
My recently painted big guy, it’s a next part of Nurgle Army I’m painting for a collector. Lot of work but it was worth as always! :) A Great Unclean One is a grotesquely corpulentContinue reading
Forest Run
Hello! I’d like to present you my latest diorama with forest eternal chasing poor fisherman. It took a lot of time to complete but it was totally worth. Main miniature is from Puppetswar and it’sContinue reading
Citi Def Trooper
Miniature from Darkworldcreations, very detailed and every part fit perfect. I’m impreed how this guys made molds. Every mini should be done this way ;) Painted in my favorite pale greens.