One of my favorite minis from Privateer Press, The Child from Grymkin fraction. Beast flat skin was stripped and all muscles are hand painted.
Kategoria: Warmachine
Gatormen Rask and Wrastler
Hi, I just got this minis nicely converted and in my opinion they look cool – much better than original models. Extra details, feathers, chains, skulls add a lot of character.
Saxon Orrik
Some latest painted stuff for Hordes/Warmachine – Saxon Orrik. Pretty nice desert guy with rifle. I always wanted to paint him in mujahedin sniper style. I saw many olive and modern patterns but don’t likeContinue reading
Krueger the Stormwrath
Some miniature from Hordes Circle of Orboros, I started this guy about at the beginning of this year but finished lately. It’s for sale so if you’re intrested please let me know :)
some work with freehands :)
Last time I want to paint something different than simple guys without any decorations and flat colors. Below is the result. Krueger from Circle of Orboros white sketch on base color some fading with yellowContinue reading
Cryx Warwitch Siren
Commission work, one of the hardest mini to paint like almost all Privater Press miniatures. Details are not sharp and hard to find but I want to highlight them all. Hope you like it!
Warwitch Sirens
Two sweet girls to my army, painted rather not very high because I like to touch and play with them :) Colors I used: Clothes – this is main color to my cryx army colorContinue reading
Scrap Thralls
Another units to my army, models with worst statistics in Warmachine, but they are soo sweet. I use usually this guys as a fuel for Skarre and tactics with throwing thralls into enemy. Lot ofContinue reading
Revenant Crew Leader
A part of my Cryx army, painted like fresh kelpie. Unfortunately this unit is usually useless.. What a shame! Anyway, hope you like it! ;)
Lich Lord Venethrax (2)
My second Lich Lord Venethrax, this time it’s a commission work.
Cryx Pistol Wraiths
My last minis for my Cryx Army, incredibly playable minis. The first is guy is a flat sculpture but painting helped him to gain some nice shapes. Second mini is more dynamic with light cloak,Continue reading
Lich Lord Venethrax
I’ve found some time to make a pictures of one Cryx warcasters in my army. Now I’m changing plans so he must find a new home :) If you want him – just bid hereContinue reading
Mercenary Orin Midwinter
After a small christmass break I’m back to painting :) Still working with other commissions and own projects I’ve found some time to paint another mini to my Warmachine army. This time a mercenary unitContinue reading
Bile Thralls
Hi, I just want to show you my lastest finished unit to my Cryx Army. Painted for gaming purposes.
Finished shipwreck terrain
I just finished shipwreck terrain, I’m very proud of it ;) It’s „modular” terrain so I can build shorter and longer shipwreck or just put randomly on battlefield. This is an option with 3 tilesContinue reading
Hi, it’s time to use some wooden sticks to build some terrains for my Cryx Satyxis witches. I think that shipwrecks and rocks will fit to its island climate. Lord Toruk should be proud ofContinue reading
Some WIP shots
Still working with skin of my puppy.. I added more shadows to skin because it was to pale. Now I think to add some greens to skintone. Also last time I bought Manfred from VampireContinue reading