Forest Run

Hello! I’d like to present you my latest diorama with forest eternal chasing poor fisherman. It took a lot of time to complete but it was totally worth. Main miniature is from Puppetswar and it’s called Stone Golem. I’ve made a short tutorial how to made mini mushrooms during work on this scene. Also you may ask how are trees done – How to make trees tutorial. Lot of green foliage added from MiniNatur improved a lot this part of forest.









Here are some details I’ve put on base – fishes, insects, little waterfall, hand painted description. There was a lot, lot of fun during building!


Thanks a lot for puppetswar for the miniature!



12 myśli na temat “Forest Run

  1. Jakbym miał coś powiedzieć to nie byłbym w stanie, bo z wrażenia dostałem szczękościsku. Niesamowite to za małe słowo.
    Ilość pracy włożona w tą dioramę musiała być kosmiczna.
    Jest jakaś szansa na tutorial na taką wspaniałą wodę z dodatkami (te wszystkie stworzonka, rozpryski, fale)?

  2. Amazing, amazing work! Only thing I’d say is that I don’t like the name very much. I’d call it something like: gone fishin’, Or: Ultimate catch. Something with some humour like that.

  3. Love this scene al lot! Vegetation and miniatures look great, but the water/spashes/underwater scene realy caught my eye….great work you put in there!
    (What brand/type of water do you use? My attempt at making convincable water hopelesly failed with my last project, so all tips are be very welcome.)

    1. Thanks a lot, I’m glad that you like it :) I used clear resin bought at online auction, I don’t remember the name but it was some kind of „clear resin perfect for professional casting” so I grab one.

      1. Yeah I would love to see the process for creating the water. The tutorial kind of jumps from Part A to Part E, I would love to see the in between. Just so good I want to see more about it.

  4. Love this scene al lot! Vegetation and miniatures look great, but the water/spashes/underwater scene realy caught my eye….great work you put in there!
    (What brand/type of water do you use? My attempt at making good looking water hopelesly failed with my last project, so all tips are be very welcome.)

    1. Spiders are from GW Arachnarok kit, and dragonfly is from this large wood elves treeman (GW), I don’t remember its name.

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