Have you ever wondered how to 3D print a miniature with superb quality for your games or RPG session? If yes just follow me, I’ll show you a quick guide how to. Printer used: ELEGOOContinue reading
The Last Hearth Inn (Complete Bundle)
The commissioned Last Hearth Inn complete bundle 3d printed out of ASA 275, later smoothed with MEK and fully painted on display level. The Last Hearth Inn Main building in the set, here all ofContinue reading
Nova Marines Army (part 2)
„The existence of the Alien is a problem with but one solution: Extermination. When Mankind is alone in the cosmos, only then will we have achieved our destiny.” — Lucretius Corvo, First Chapter Master ofContinue reading
Eavy Metal style Terminators
Hi, I’d like to show you most recent terminators painted in classic GW studio style. It was fun to recreate this smooth paintjobs. Enjoy! If you’d like to have your own classic painted minis justContinue reading
Melusines and Blood-Maw Vore
Hi, I’d like to show you commissioned Melusines and Blood-Maw Vore from Mierce Miniatures. Pretty cool minis to paint. I really enjoyed painting these minis.
D&D Town Guard
Commissioned Town Guard, Swordmen and Crosbowmen, miniatures 3d printed by me with UV resin.
D&D Orc Camp
Commissioned Orc Camp – half of them are 3d printed out of ASA filament the rest is a resin casting.
D&D Orcs
Commissioned D&D orcs. Very cool sculpts to paint.
Emperors Champion
40k Space Marines Emperors Champion painted in a bit more monochromatic color scheme with addition of NMM stuff + OSL. Very fun exercise to paint!
(not) Purple Worm
Hi, I’d like to show you a Purple Worm painted in unusual color scheme – painted like a pike fish.
Hell Guard
Commissioned Boxart for Karol Rudyk Art, 75mm Hell Guard from 9 Circles kickstarter.
PuppetsWar Orkus Mechanicus
Hello, here’s the crypto Orks with Adeptus Mechanicus clothes :) Very fun to paint.
Infinity O-12 Warband
Hi, I’d like to show you how I have painted the commissioned Infinity minis, it was the point to follow the boxart. My personal additions were the green glow on the swords and couple ofContinue reading
Ork The A-Team
The A-Team Orc version!!! I just finished painting these guys and I love all of the details. Again awesome model from Puppetswar. Highly recommended!
A simple conversion of an Orc Warboss on squiggie.
Bell Warrior
Bell Warrior from Karol Rudyk Art miniatures – it’s 75mm scale.
Dracul Castle
Hi, here’s my biggest project I have ever painted. Hundreds of hours of preparing this giant 3d printed castle. Later on hundreds of hours of painting. Finally after months of work it’s finished. Castle isContinue reading
DeOrkean Doc and Marty
[Minis are FOR SALE] Orktober. I have finished painting a set of Ork Busters that fit Warhammer universe. It was very cool time spent on these guys :) Minis are from @puppetswar
Ork Busters
Orktober. I have finished painting a set of Ork Busters that fit Warhammer universe. It was very cool time spent on these guys :) Minis are from @puppetswar
Lion El’Jonson
Finished Lion El’Jonson from Games Workshop (Warhammer 40.000, Dark Angels).
Orkmobile and BatOrk
Orkmobile with a Batork (starring Bruce Pain) It was a very fun project – a lot of black painting practice. I got the files for 3d printing from Puppets War, Batmobile is from May release.Continue reading
Warhammer 40.000 Ghazghkull Thraka (LED version)
Here’s the Ghaz converted to have 4 led lights installed in his big dakka. More info how it’s done on my FB profile. It have 4 led lights with wires guided trough the right legContinue reading
Space Marine Terminator
Classic style painted terminator, it was a challenge to not add the weathering.
C&C:Red Alert diorama 1/285 scale
Command and Conquer: Red Alert diorama I did some time ago (1/285 or 6mm scale) All vechicles, infantry and buildings are 3d printed by me (you can find them on thingiverse).
Chaos Space Marines Terminators
Quick tabletop CSM Terminators, ready to play :)
Next Abaddon from Chaos Space Marines I’ve painted, this time commissioned stuff, client have picked the colors.
Jalissa (3d printed)
Hi, here’s Jalissa from 'Female Miniatures’, 3d printed and painted by me. Awesome sculpt.
Black Templars Helbrecht
Hi, it was a test mini to practice some contrast painting. I have used black and white paint only :)
Noise Marine
A commissioned Noise Marine. I have 3d printed the speaker with resin printer.
Tzeentch Knights
Commissioned work with Slaves to Darkness knights and Varanguard.
Great Unclean Hairy One
Well, I call it done. It was a cool journey with this conversion. Abandonned for a couple of years, thrown on a pile of shame, ressurected from the drawer and finally finished. It was veryContinue reading
Froggoth, one of D&D creatures in full glory. It was fun to paint! :)
D&D Miniatures
Next batch of painted Dungeons&Dragons miniatures.
Tiger I Fluo
Tiger I in 1/35 scale I did to test some bright fluorescent colors.
Adeptus Custodes Valerian
An Adeptus Custodes Valerian commissioned some time ago.
Imperial Fists Terminators
Hi, here’s an unit of cool dudes released some time ago by Games Workshop, nowadays a bit tiny in comparison to Primarines but still Space Marines Termiantors look awesome.
D&D Miniatures
Next part of D&D stuff I have painted. Some goblins, goblins on wolves and a bit of ogres.
Hi, I’d like to show you some of my private painting project. It’s Nancy from Neko Galaxy (75mm). I have painted it for fun Just let me know what you think about it – thanksContinue reading
Gaunt Ghosts
Huh, it was very intensive painting sessions What do you think about these guys and base?
Warcraft Orks army
My recent commissioned paintjobs for the Horde! All converted from existing sets.
Toy Hammer
Hi, all the story with painting Toy Hammer start somewhere around March 2020 when first COVID-19 lockdown was announced. From time to time I was adding next characters to the group. Goal is to convertContinue reading
Space Mario ATV
When I saw the model It was my first idea for paint scheme. I think that model have very good potential for next conversions. What do you think? Primaris Space Marios Invader ATV.
Nurgle Chaos Spawn
Hello, I’d like to show you my latest painted froggy thing you can meet in the woods (sometimes). It look like a frog with #COVID19. Miniature is converted Chaos Spawn from Forge World. I haveContinue reading