About Me


Hello, my name is Lukasz (aka C'tan) and I live in Cracow, Poland. My journey with miniatures start probably in childhood where I was building model kits, mostly planes and tanks. During long time of my life I worked as a professional graphic designer and web designer.

For me painting miniatures is still perfecting techniques, sharing experiences, gaining new knowledge and exchanging it with other painters. I really appreciate lot of experience recieved from my friends that made me a better painter. I love my hobby!


Agtom Modelarskie Błonia 2022, Kraków, Poland

Best Of Show - Great Unclean Hairy One

Warhammer Community painting competitions

2018 January winner - Rotigus
2017 July winner - Sons of Horus Contemptor Dreadnought

Hussar 2019, Warsaw, Poland

1st place - diorama (HussarDozer)

CD PROJEKT RED special award bust (Papa Jimbo)

Honorable mention single fantasy (Gorak The Red)
Honorable mention bust (Papa Jimbo)

Hussar 2015, Warsaw, Poland

1st place - diorama (Forest Run)
1st place - large sci-fi (Citi Def Trooper)
1st place - warmachine (Löwe)
3rd place - single fantasy (Barbarian Dude)

Honorable mention single sci-fi (Strike Force Five)
Honorable mention bust (Dwarf Bust)

Hussar 2014, Warsaw, Poland

1st place - single fantasy (Savage Orc Boss)
2nd place - single sci-fi (Lord of Decay)
3rd place - unit (Gatormen Voodoo Gang)

Special prize from Impek for best Chaos Creature (Lord of Decay)
Special prize from Kromlech (Gatormen Voodoo Gang)

Hussar 2013, Warsaw, Poland

2nd place - single sci-fi (Nurgle Lord)
3rd place - diorama (Meadow of Doom)

Honorable mention in vechicle (Red Scorpions Rhino)
Honorable mention in unit (Nurgle Raptors)

Golden Demon 2013, Köln, Germany

2nd place - open category (Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress)
3rd place - single Warhammer 40.000 miniature (Nurgle Lord)

Finalist - WH40k Squad (Nurgle Plaguebearers + Herald)

Master of Imagination 2012, Lublin, Poland

1st place - diorama (Dorothy and the Gang)

Hussar 2011, Warsaw, Poland

1st place - diorama (Daemon, Hunter)
3rd place - speed painting

Honorable mention in single fantasy (Plague Priest)

Report by CofC Mahoń

Massive Voodoo, Mad Max Car competition, online, 2011

2nd place - (Medic!)

Hussar 2010, Warsaw, Poland

2nd place - speed painting

Honorable mention in large model (Necron Destroyer)
Honorable mention in single sci-fi (Necron Lord)

Vertigo Cup 2013, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

Honorable mention – F3 – Figures Master (My girls miniatures collection)
Honorable mention – F4 – Figures Master Fantasy (Great Unclean One)
Special Award - Figures Senior categories F1-F5

Hussar 2012, Warsaw, Poland

1st place - diorama (Chocolate Factory)
1st place - large model (Abyssal Warlord)
3rd place - single fantasy (Chaos Lord)
1st place - speed painting

Honorable mention in single sci-fi (Death Guard Terminator)

Report by CofC Mahoń

Model Festival 2011, Cracow, Poland

1st place - fantasy miniature (Stonehorn)

Bard painting competition, 2010

1st place - (Necron miniatures)

Vertigo Cup 2012, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

1st place – F3 – figures fantasy (Abyssal Warlord)
1st place – F4 – figures sci-fi (Death Guard Sorcerer on Daemonic Mount)
1st place – F5 – figures Warhammer (Chaos Lord)
Special awards:
1st place – Vertigo Cup fantasy figures
1st place – Vertigo Cup sci-fi figures
1st place – Vertigo Cup Warhammer figures
Black Dog award – Best diorama or vignete all scale (Chocolate Factory)

Report of event in Banská Bystrica