3 myśli na temat “Horus

  1. Beautiful paintjob as always C’tan. Any chance of knowing how you create that effect on the black armour? What colours did you use? I am really interested since i have 2 of this model :)

    1. Hi, first you need to highlight black using grey tones. When armor is ready you can start drawing lines with pure black (should be good visible on prevously highlighted black). Best are half circles cossing eachother. When pattern is ready highlight it below black lines with light grey. I used Black, White and Medium Grey paint whole armor. I wanted to have full neutral and 'shiny’ color that’s why I didn’t add any tone to it. When you paint such small detail like pattern remember to dilutte paint a lot, use retarder and paint thinner. When you have right consistency you also need fine tip brush to make pattern live.
      Hope it help :) Anyway if you like to know more don’t hesitate to ask.

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