Some green and turquoise Necron. Hope you like it! :)
Kategoria: Necrons
Terrifying, immortal, soulless warriors have risen from ancient stasis-tombs, their weaponry able to strip a man to atoms. But the true terror of the Necron lies with their divine masters, who gorge themselves on the essence of billions.
Turquoise stone tutorial
Hi, some people ask me to write this tutorial, I got pictures but I don’t have time to do it earlier. First of all I make a texture over my surface using not veryContinue reading
Necron Canoptek Spyder
I buy this guy for some practice with green OSL.. Best view is when he is upside-down, like a dead bug ;)
Necron Destroyer Lord
Hi there, I want to present my vision of Necron Destroyer Lord. I painted him with lot of freehanded patterns. Idea was to paint cracked ceramic surface with pusling energy from inside. I added someContinue reading
Imotekh the Stormlord
I always like Necron models, it’s pleasure to paint ;) This guy was really poor quality of finecast and need a tons of work with sandpaper and hobby knife. This is reason why I hateContinue reading
Imotekh the Stormlord WIP
Fast work with my Imotekh I’m working with him from Sunday, still WIP, but today or tommorrow will be finished. Also I’m finishing other minis – Ironblaster, Heinrich and some other miniatures.
Necron Destroyers
Finished Necron Destroyers! I have a lot of fun with painting them, it was the part of bigger army of Necrons (here you can find paints that I used to paint them). Unfortunately now armyContinue reading
Necron Army
Time before I started my adventure with Warhammer 40.000 I was looking for interesting miniatures – my first set were the Mines of Moria but goblins were poor quality. I bought a few miniatures fromContinue reading