Necron Destroyer Lord

Hi there, I want to present my vision of Necron Destroyer Lord. I painted him with lot of freehanded patterns. Idea was to paint cracked ceramic surface with pusling energy from inside. I added some crystals to sterile base showing dusty necron planet. Hope you like it!

5 myśli na temat “Necron Destroyer Lord

  1. What can I say …. aaaaaaaaaaamazing job!!!!!
    and if I may:
    the chest is looking a litle odd to me( this color compared to armour doesn’t fit well INMHO)
    could you give a receipt for this turquoise? I planned to paint my necrons or SM with similar color :)


  2. I love that crackle, if you ever do a tutorial on it, i have to see it. if you want to give me a quick how to, id appreciate it.

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