Skaven again :) My lastest work, Warlord Spinetail. Painted with true metallics. And here are destructive, chaotic forces constructing display base ;)
Ikit Claw 2.0
Here is my second Ikit Claw… Love this model, tons of details.. And here you can find my first Ikit. and here are some WIP shots.. lots of colors..
Mawloc / Trygon
I have a lot of fun with painting this creature, lot of blood and other mess, pocaliptic base, I really like this atmosphere. Here You can find tutorial how to paint similar monster. Hope YouContinue reading
Playing with light
Today I don’t show you my next minis, today is a small abstract wallpaper made for fun. Hope you like it ;) …and some adequate music for this design. Lain Trzaska from Cracow and …”SheContinue reading
Painting Trygon/Mawloc
Mini tutorial how I paint one of my dear, wet and scary tyranids. Carapace (and claws) Paint using airbrush with mix of Charadon Granite and Black (80/20). Next add Ice Blue to piervious mix (30/70)Continue reading
2nd place at Mad Max Contest!
I am happy with second place and I would like to congratulate all the participants! I learned a lot during construction of this model. I would also like to thank the entire team of MassiveContinue reading
Lich King
Lich king painted similar to Eavy’ Metal team painting. It is a one of those models that I paint for relax. Great plastic model from Necrosphinx box.
Death Korps Stormlord
I’d like to present my lastest work, Death Korps Stormlord. Model is really huge and painting it was huge pleasure :) Here you can find some WIP photos. More details on white background.. HereContinue reading
Greater Demon „Emeryt”
At last, finished Emeryt. I have a lot of fun with this mini, thousands of small details, but not everything was perfect. In my opinion sculpt is 6-7/10. Here you can find WIP shots, andContinue reading
How to pin your mini.
How to paint more enjoyable? Do you want to avoid the hard to reach areas when painting? Use pins or magnets. Here you can find how to do it. Below is an example with magnets,Continue reading
Inquisitor Coteaz
My lastest finished work, just for fun, I like big, armored guys. I spent about 8h painting and it was really relaxing work. Soon I have to find him new house :) Hope you likeContinue reading
Nasty Skullers
Another models to my Orcs and Goblins army.. Nasty skullers! :)
Finished! I’m so happy that is the end of mini diorama with Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. A lot of hours hard work was worth this view! Hope You like it too. I would like toContinue reading
Death Jester
Small commission work ;) Eldar Death Jester in unusual color scheme. here You can find some WIP shots
Mini bottles
Hi! Yesterday I have an idea to make some glass bottles to my mini desert scene. I found some transparent plastic rod and it was great material. First is what we need: 1. Lighter withContinue reading
River trolls skin
I’d like to present my new minis for my O&G army. Nothing special, just simple tabletops :) Very fast painted (about 3h per finished mini). Here is one finished troll, below You can find miniContinue reading
Gnoblar Trapper
Gnoblar trapper painted with a lot fun – only fur and face ;) Look very determined and dominant guy. I like this mini so much, that I put him into my night goblin horde asContinue reading
Desert Doctor (WIP)
I decided to join Massive Voodoo competition MV’s „MAD MAX CAR Competition” 2011. The competition is a very inspiring idea to build own car in a climate crazy Mad Max.
Hell Pit Ambomination
Hi, it’s me again :) I’d like to present you my older mini, painted in local hobby store (before premiere of Ambomination). I asked, if I could paint it and I’ve been given this mini.Continue reading
Greater Demon „Emeryt” (WIP)
I am happy that I can present You new mini for painting :) Greater Demon „Emeryt”. Truely great mini sculpted by ARRRDIAN. Amazing details and a lot of fun,
Painting creature eyes
It’s very simple – dark color on top and light on the bottom of eye and small white dot at the end. It works with any color :) See example below. Here is set ofContinue reading
My new project, it takes about 18h for all, painting, assembling and others. It was made for Bard, local hobby shop. I have a lot of fun with painting it. Short time made me toContinue reading
Blood and ugly strings
Blood effect You need Clear Red X-27 (Tamyia), it’s very useful paint when you have to do some blood. Just put some paint on plasticard or something else that you have (I used cap fromContinue reading
Ikit Claw
Ikit Claw is cool new mini from GW, miniature is very, very detailed, love to paint it. I dedicate this mini to my rat (RIP) Roland.
I like this mini, very detailed, heavy armoured delicate woman :)
Orc and Goblins Army
My new army on board. Orc and Goblins from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Lot, lot, lot of minis. I love this small guys! They’re so funny, timorous and foxy. Lot, lot, lot of work. Painting painting…
Reverend Moira
Commission work. I painted this miniature with true pleasure. A small woman with a big gun and a sword. First time I saw a mini from Infinity – it was piece of good work. VeryContinue reading
Necron Army
Time before I started my adventure with Warhammer 40.000 I was looking for interesting miniatures – my first set were the Mines of Moria but goblins were poor quality. I bought a few miniatures fromContinue reading