Hello, just want to show you my recently painted bomber. It was a commission work. and a group picture
Kategoria: Vechicles
Space Wolves Droppod
Hello, next minis from Space Wolves range. Painted similar as my previous Skyrar’s Droppod but this time it’s a non chaotic version. Hope you like it!
Space Wolves Stormtalon
Hello, it’s winter time so I show you winter minis. It’s Space Wolves Stormtalon, me and owner know that SW doesn’t use it in their codex. It’s just expanding SW collection. Hope you like unusualContinue reading
Bjorn the fell-handed
Some wintery commission work, hope you like it ;)
Lamenters Land Raider Redeemer
Hello, I’d like to present my vision of Lamenters Land Raider, also you can find some wip pics and tutorial – how to paint checker. Hope you like it! And here is comparision of whiteContinue reading
Hellbrute 2
My second version of Hellbrute. More dark, and more agressive. Hope you like it! :)
Blood Angels Baal
Huh, it’s a just red beast. I like this color scheme, just bloody red and some black details. Hope you like it too.
Skyrar’s Drop Pod
Commission work, drop pod for Skyrar’s Terminators I painted some time ago. Hope you like it!
Salamanders Stormtalon
Commission work, quite chalenging mini to paint. It’s painted the same way as Land Raider Achilles I’ve done some time ago. Hope you like it! :)
CSM Hellbrute
Hi, just want to show you Hellbrute from Dark Vengance, new starter box for Warhammer 40.000, painted simialar to my pevious Skyrar’s Dark Wolves, hope you like it! Soon, I’ll show you more minis fromContinue reading
Space Wolves Land Raider / Crusader / Redeemer
Land Raider with interchangeable weapons, so it can be used as Land Raider, Crusader and Redeemer. Next tank with this color scheme, you can also check Rhino/Razorback in this colors. Side weapons are mounted onContinue reading
Space Wolves Razorback
Commission work, different look of my previous SW color schemes. Soon I’ll show you Land Raider Crusader in the same colors.
Ork Blitza Bommer
Yo boyz and girlz, u can watcha new bomma from Gamez Workshopz (GW). Da Mek paint it RED! As you know red go fasta!
Space Wolves Land Raider Reedemer
Huh, it’s quite cold… snowy.. Part of bigger Space Wolves army. Commission Work. Hope you like it! ;)
White Scars Razorback
I bought some AK Interactive products from MIG and this is test model – painted for fun, and to try some advanced weathering techniques. Hope you like it!
Salamander Land Raider Achilles
Huh, that was interesting job. First was a nightmare with assembly „highest quality” Forge World and GW parts together. It took 2nd place in my hardest to assembly models (1st is Monolith). After this stepContinue reading
Space Wolves Dreadnought
Another commission work with Space Wolves. Hope you like icy themed wolves :)
Space Wolves Razorback
It’s a part of bigger SW army, if you like it you can also check Rhino, Predator, Dreadnought and Terminator squad. It’s still growing :) Let it snow!
Space Wolves Predator
Second part of my lastest Space Wolves tanks – Predator. Here you can find Rhino in the same color sheme. Hope you like it!
Space Wolves Rhino
My lastest commission work. Light blue Rhino with Space Wolves pattern. I’m very satisfied with final effect. Hope you like it!
Death Korps Stormlord
I’d like to present my lastest work, Death Korps Stormlord. Model is really huge and painting it was huge pleasure :) Here you can find some WIP photos. More details on white background.. HereContinue reading