Hi, I wanted to present you my recently painted Brass Scorpion from Forge World. Massive block of resin but very very detailed. Here you can see Chaos Space Marines Iron Warriors version. It fit absolutelyContinue reading
Kategoria: C’tan
Pretty cool bust from Neko Galaxy – Akito. Painted in unusual style for me, just wanted to try something new in sketchy style.
Mortarch of Night
Mortarch of Night – converted and finally painted. Rider was taken from Zombie Dragon, banner is scratchbuilt. I’ve spent a lot of time painting this guy but I think final effect is worth it :)
Varanguard from Everchosen Chaos fraction painted for display.
Ork Painboy
Recently painted Ork Painboy. It was long time from mini release but still I’m loving it! Greenskins are always cool :)
Grymkin The Child
One of my favorite minis from Privateer Press, The Child from Grymkin fraction. Beast flat skin was stripped and all muscles are hand painted.
Hammerhal Heroes
Core set of heroes from Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal painted by me. Minis are pretty cool to paint, very detailed as usual from GW. You can find here: a Lord-Castellant; a Gryph-hound; a Cogsmith;Continue reading
Silver Tower miniatures
Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower – Main Heroes Excelsior Warpriest with Gryph-hound, Knight-Questor, Fyreslayer Doomseeker, Tenebrael Shard, Darkoath Chieftain, Mistweaver Saih Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower – Adversaries Gaunt Summoner and his Familiars Pink Horrors, Blue Horrors,Continue reading
My latest painted Lizardmen project – miniatures are from Mierce Miniatures, bases made with Scibor Miniatures basing kit.
Plague Hulk
Plague Hulk from Forge World, one of my favorite minis finally painted!
Hello, this time something unusual – converted Snorlax Pokemon in a pokeball. Converted by a client and painted by me. It was great fun to make such different stuff. Enjoy!
Sci-fi Flower Knight
Flower Knight with added mechanical wings made of lot of tiny clock parts, some Tyranid wings and other stuff.
Nurgles Warband
Hi, just wanted to show you my nurgles warband, you can find there Nurgle Sorcerer, Nurgle Lord on foot, a couple of Rotten Factory miniatures, Enigma Miniatures Primus Death, and other nurgle themed minis. MaybeContinue reading
Gol Gul, Barrow Spider
„Gol Gul, Barrow Spider” – pretty cool creation from Mierce Miniatures, inspired to paint with real spider. As you can see there are tiny hairs on his body – it’s my wife work. You canContinue reading
Slambo (x4)
Recently finished Slambo miniature, this time four of the same mini because I wanted to try different techniques and color shemes :) You can find three of them on eBay auctions starting from 1$! GreenContinue reading
Cult of Fire
Personal project finished, Cult of Fire :) Fun to paint and rewarding looking warband. It includes Age of Sigmar miniatures Exalted Deathbringer, two Sorceress, fire Daemonettes, Baby Demon and Brimestone Horrors.
Cang the Implacable
Hi, just got finished Cang the Implacable – 10th anniversary CoolMiniOrNot dragon miniature. Enjoy!
Great Unclean One
Great Unclean One from Forge World – another color variation. This time ugly and human fleshy. You can find previous fat dude here – Great Unclean One
Chaos Lord on Manticore (Tzeentch)
This Tzzanuary I’ve got finished Chaos Lord on Manticore, it will be more minis of this theme in future :)
Brom Hard Bark
Brom Hard Bark (54mm) from Enigma Miniatures painted in winter theme :)
Cor’bax Utterblight, Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm
Another Nurgle themed creation – Cor’bax. Sculpted in old style by Forge World. Awesome miniature to paint. Painting this guy is very time consuming so be warned :)
Brüma, Bone’s Whisper (conversion)
Brüma, Bone’s Whisper from Enigma Miniatures painted in my early pastel grey style. Also I converted original miniature a bit, replaced hands with stick and staff. Additional parts are from GW Festus the Leechlord andContinue reading
Gatormen Rask and Wrastler
Hi, I just got this minis nicely converted and in my opinion they look cool – much better than original models. Extra details, feathers, chains, skulls add a lot of character.
Drow warband
Hi, just have a pack of Drow guys. Originally miniatures are from Avatars of War as Dark Elves but all of them are painted in D&D style.
Nurgle Centurion Marine
Hi, just have to show Forge World Centurion (Limited Edition) in Nurgle theme.
Nurgle Chaos Spawn
Next nurgles finished, this time it’s Chaos Spawn from Forge World.
The Glottkin
The Glottkin – really bad and ugly dude. Finally finished!
Silver Tower Heroes
Hi, here is a part of heroes I’ve painted for Silver Tower game. Pictures of individual miniatures. Soon will be more I think :) Chaos Slaughterpriest Chaos Barbarian Beastmen Shaman Chaos Lord Stormcast Eternals KnightContinue reading
A freebie added to „new” White Dwarf – Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer goes out pretty cool. Sharp details, just a pleasure to paint :)
Mórannach, Beast of Cill Chonn Bog
Hi, just finished Mórannach – quite big forest elemental. I throw away orginal resin branches because was too cracky and replaced with wire and epoxy glue ones. I add lot of foliage – grass, ferns,Continue reading
Papa Jimbo Bust
My latest painted bust of Papa Jimbo, awesome sculpt! If you’re wondering from where to get this guy just visit Big Child Creatives.
Dwarves Warband
Hello, I have some dwarves finished. From left – Cogsmith, Dwarf Lord, Malakai Makaisson, White Dwarf, Dwarf Slayer, Ironbreaker Lord, Dwarf King.
Kranon the Relentless
Kranon the Relentless, this time in Nurgle theme. Also you can check tutorial how to paint his cloak.
Daemon Prince
Latest finished Daemon Prince. Miniature is converted a bit, he lost tentacle from right leg, also all slaanesh symbols were removed. He got two swords instead of flail and mirror and also mask covering hisContinue reading
Freddy Krueger Bust
Next of my latest painted busts, this time Freddy Krueger! Miniature is from Ares Warforge.
Frankenstein Monster Bust
Hello, today I have next bust from Ares Warforge – Frankenstein Monster.
Arch-Warlock / Ikit Claw
Hello, I have new old stuff. I already painted two Ikits but this one is most detailed and painted in dark color scheme and with True Metallics.
Superb miniature from Hasslefree Miniatures, 32mm of pure pleasure of painting, awesome casted and detailed. Highly recomended!
Kingdom of Death
You may ask what I was doing latest half year – here’s an answer – Kingdom of Death :) Heroes Bad Guys Unarmored Kit Leather Armor Kit Rawhide Armor Kit Lantern Armor Kit Lion ArmorContinue reading
Orc Bust
Hi, here is next bust from new company called Ares Warforge, soon I’ll show you more busts (humans, monsters etc.)
Chaos Sorcerers
Hi, just wanted to show you some Chaos Sorcerers. Two of them are limited edition metal miniatures, one is from 2010 Games Day and second was from Storm of Chaos, third one is plastic currentContinue reading
Giant Spined Chaos Beast
Next part of Nurgle 40k army – Giant Spined Beast from Forge World, painted same theme as previous miniatures.
Hello, next part of nurgles, this time Typhus, well armored badass from papa Nurgle’s home. I have converted his head to one from Chaos Chariot set.
Nurgle Dreadnoughts
Hi, here are some Nurgle Dreadnoughts from Forge World. Painted in toned olives and greens.