Finally finished Ghazghkull Thraka! What a characterfull model, very cool to paint! Orks are always a great opportunity to practice true metallics. They just fit to them. What do you think?
Kategoria: C’tan
Abaddon the Despoiler
My favorite character from Warhammer 40.000 finally finished, so I’d like to show you my third painted Abaddon the Despoiler. Lot of sepia used, just because I like it.
Lucius the Eternal
Hello! I’d like to show you my recently finished miniature – Lucius the Eternal. I love painting old metal stuff like this one. And you? Do you prefer plastic, resin or metal minis?
D&D Miniatures
Next batch of painted fantasy minis!
Red Gobbo Xmass edition
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Yeah, Red Gobbo is finally finished! :) I used a ready to use leds from some xmas decoration jar to make tree lights (powered by 2x AAA battery)Continue reading
Brother Garus
Hi, just wanted to try new blue with lot of red in the shadows. It’s pretty well visible on his back. I think it’s more vibrant now. What do you think? Btw. miniature is BrotherContinue reading
Kelith, Naebo and slaves
Hi, I’d like to show you some minis – Kelith and Naebo from Siren Miniatures and 3 naked girls from Manufaktura miniatures. I love how they turned out! Miniatures casting quality is best one soContinue reading
Fallen Queen
Hi, a couple days ago I won this miniature. I liked it a lot so naturally I’ve painted it Here’s Fallen Queen from Rage Craft. For the painting style I went back to my favoriteContinue reading
Catachan Rescue Team
Hi, I’d like to present you my long time jungle diorama project. (longer description will be added later ;d) (Highly recommended – click picture to see full-size)
Hi, I’d like to show you one of my entries from Hussar 2019 Painting Competition. I’ve called it „HussarDozer” just because it’s a dozer – 1:35 scale model of Catterpillar D9R armored version that serveContinue reading
D&D Miniatures
Next batch of D&D stuff, all miniatures are from „Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures”
Gorak The Red
Gorak The Red from Black Sailors (Big Child Creatives) series finally with finished base, I have add some golden treasure to the chest and couple of other tiny touches. What do you think, he foundContinue reading
D&D Miniatures
Lot of stuff painted, next minis are waiting in queue. I love this kind of work, all minis are unique pieces, no clones. What do you think? Btw. Miniatures are from „Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures”. TheyContinue reading
Savage Beauty
New pictures of Savage Beuty painted some time ago.
Sister Superior Amalia Novena
I think that she’s close enough… Finally finished ;) What do you think?
Finally finished Sanguinius, lot of gold NMM. Great model for practice gold. Highly recommended! Also what was very surprising assembly was very easy and fast what isn’t too common in FW kits. What do youContinue reading
Nova Marines Army (part 1)
Finally done. Primaris Nova Marines army. All of them are painted with NMM… yes.. all of them. Don’t ask me how much time it took. I think it was worth! I have started this projectContinue reading
Noise Marine
Finished Noise Marine. Inspired by many things, early sci-fi movies, lasers, glitters, helmet from Daft punk, hair from Lucy (The Lego Movie) and many more stuff. It was painted rather without any color problems. FinallyContinue reading
Abaddon The Despoiler 2
Ok, finally Abaddon The Despoiler (Games Workshop miniature) is done. Painted with Non-Metallic-Metal, on display base, with some glowing stuff and other eyecatching details. How do you like it? It’s shiny enough?
Twilight Knight
Twilight Knight from Kingdom of Death range, painted in almost grayscale with glowing sword.
Ufgar The Collector (limited edition)
Hello, finally I have pictures of Ufgar The Collector from Hera Models, I’ve painted it just for fun, because I like a lot the sculpture. Adding colors to this guy was a really relaxing time.Continue reading
Abaddon The Despoiler
Hello, as I promised I have studio picutres of new Abaddon the Despoiler from Games Workshop. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 I wanted to paint him a bit different than on boxart so I used a mix of fluorescentContinue reading
Rhinotaur (80mm scale)
Hi, I’ve got a couple of pictures of finished Rhinotaur, limited edition miniature from Allan Carrasco. I have converted it a bit, spear was replaced with mace, I add more head trophies, chains, some meat,Continue reading
Forest diorama tutorial
Hello, in this short article I’ll show you how I build my base for forest golem. First I cut shape of base in styrofoam, it’s 3 cm thick so it should be enough to makeContinue reading
Thin Ice
Winter diorama with 2 bears and marines. It was a pretty long process of making this dudes. Enjoy the winter!
Devil Bad dude
Bad dude – Devil in Hell. Simple as you can see :) I accept commissions if you’re interested. I’ve learnt a lot making this scene and for sure there will be more lava themed stuffContinue reading
MAD ORX – Mad Max style Snazzwagon
Hi, I’d like to present you MAD ORX – FURY ROADZ. I was my first thought when I saw the model. It fits Mad Max style so much so I couldn’t withstand without making thisContinue reading
D&D Dragon
Here’s mine interpretation of D&D dragon from Zealot Miniatures. I’ve never painted dragon this way and I tried something new. All dots were airbrushed separately and it took ages to complete pattern but final effectContinue reading
D&D furniture and objects
Hello! Maybe there is very calm on my blog but a lot of stuff is happening everyday in my workshop. Here are results of latest month. All stuff is an awesome casted resin from ZealotContinue reading
Dungeon Monsters from Otherworld Miniatures
Hello, after a long time I’ve spent on painting these dudes finally I have pictures! I’ve painted in a realistic way as usuall. You can find there metallic bugs, wet slugs and other creepy monsters.Continue reading
Dead Adventurers
This is the rest of set of Town Folks I’ve painted latest time, It’s not from Lead Adventures but from some D&D series, sorry I don’t remember brand of producers.
Town Folks
Another challenge completed, lot of minis from Lead Adventures fully painted. It took a bit of time, I’ve tried to do my best. Maybe sculpts are not so good (minis are casted in metal) butContinue reading
D&D Miniatures
Miniatures from D&D universe, produced by D&D Collector Series. Here you can find Ilithids, Halaster (crazy wizard), Gnoll and Mind Eater. Soon will be more of painted D&D stuff :) And here with companion ofContinue reading
Imperial Citizens
A couple of minis painted for fun. Citizens of the Empire in Warhammer world.
Great Unclean One / Rotigus
New GW Great Unclean One finally finished! I thought that will be faster to paint :) All in all I’m very impressed with its size and amount of details.
Eye Tyrant
Finished Eye Tyrant, most famous in Beholder family, very soon I’ll have much more creatures from D&D world. Miniature is from Dungeons&Dragons Collector Series.
Ilios Guard, Oplites of Ilios (part 2)
Hello, I have more Oplites! This time more uniform, as a unit with two banners. On first and last picture they’re mixed with previous Oplites. There was loooot of freehanding, converting and fun! Anyway thisContinue reading
Ilios Guard, Oplites of Ilios
Hello, this time I was painting more historical miniatures – awesomely made by Mierce Miniatures. I’ve removed reliefed decorations from shields and freehanded etruscan heraldy. Also miniatures was converted to avoid duplicates. Enjoy!
Fantasy Spiders
Hello, today I can show you some painted spiders, it’s continuation of arachnids like Gol Gul I painted some time ago. You can find there variety of species inspired by real living exotic and moreContinue reading
Scribbus Wretch, the Tallyman
Scribbus Wretch, the Tallyman, next finished Nurgle miniature from new GW Death Guard range. Very detailed guy, really love him :) Great to paint!
Nurgle Sicarian Battle Tank
The Sicaran Battle Tank from Forge World in Nurgle based theme :)
Nurgle Predator
Latest painted Nurgle or maybe Death Guard predator from GW. There was lot of drilling and adding scratches to hull and rest of armor. Front dozer was scratchbuilt from plasticard.
Nurgle Rhinos
Death Guard converted Rhinos belonging to small army of Nurgle recently painted.
Plauge Marines (Death Guard)
Hello, I have some recently painted Death Guard Plague Marines from Warhammer 40.000 Dark Imperium. Below together with Mortarion and other Nurgle stuff. Here you can find more close-ups of Lord of Contagion:
Mortarion – Primarch of Nurgle
My lastest finished miniature, Mortarion from Games Workshop. GW did fantastic work, miniature is purely awesome to paint! :D Below you can check results. I’ve used black for armor color and green nurgle accents. Enjoy!