Kranon cape WIP shots

Finally I’ve found some time to paint my minis, Kranon is waiting for some paint till 40k starter release. He was a couple of months forgotten. Now I paint some details on cape. Pattern is stolen from Bohun’s mini – when I have possibility to toch Bogusz work It raped my eyes. I wanted to have something similar in my cabinet.






a bit later with finished backpack and fur, now it look quite nice. Now it’s time to finish rest of details on front… Huh, it should be easy ;)



7 myśli na temat “Kranon cape WIP shots

  1. Wow amazing. I love cloak’s pattern and the silver symbol. How do you blend so well the colors?
    Waiting forward to see it finished

  2. Yes man, this is epic. I was doing the same thing soon, Same colours and everything…You beat me to it.

    Looks amazing. I love the pattern you used/stole. Good work! I’ll be keen to see some more pictures of this one. I love all your nurgle stuff. Keep Nurgling

  3. Wow, just wow. I love your Nurgle conversions. You are one of my favorite painters. Makes me really want to have a model commisioned from you!

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