Making oval base

Sometime you can get miniature without base, like ForgeWorld bomber – Hell Talon. Standard GW oval base is to small for such a big miniature. So there is option to make own base.

I printed oval shape on paper and cut it. Next I airbrushed around to copy shape on plasticard. I chose 1,5 mm thick plasticard because thicker is much harder to cut with standard tools.


I made two ovals.



Cutted ovals are almost the same height as GW one, so it’s ok and difference is not visible. I glued them together using Revell Contacta Professional, it sounds quite nice but it’s only a plastic glue.


When it dry I polished borders with sandpaper, it was only short polishing to make surface a bit smother to put Revell „Plasto” around. It’s modelling putty and dry to very hard and strong surface.


After some hours it was completly dry.


I polished it to smooth surface again using sandpaper. As you can see on picture it’s flat and nice.


I painted it with matt black spray and base is ready.



And a finished base for flyer. Hope you find it useful.

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