Today I’ll show you how I paint Lamenters chapter symbol on Land Raider side.
I use Tamyia masking tape cutted to checker with sharp hobby knife. It’s 0,5 cm size.
I paint first white undercoat. Using hobby knife I put checker pattern on Land Raider.
Next airbrushed black.
Masking is not needed now so carefully remove tape.
I’ve got this funny round shaper, I don’t remember from where but it’s quite useful. Draw cricle on paper tape depending on your will.
10 mm was not good, so I draw 12mm round. Next I cut it with hobby knife.
Put tape on checker.
Spray white.
Paint black border.
Heart shape. I improve it later, firstly it was too tiny.
I paint a bit bigger heart and blood drop.
After weathering It look quite nice.
Hope you like it!