Nurgle daemonic skin

Hi, just want to show you how to make some rotten flesh, daemonic skin or something similar using white glue and microwave. After night of fun experiments with friends and microwave I have some ideas how to use this diabolic device. First of all you need some white glue (PVA glue) and flat plate, I use below plate made of plasticard. (Don’t use metal plate!)

Put some glue on it, surface have to be quite wide and thick about 1mm, but don’t care if it’s higher or lower. Just put some glue.

Place it into microwave and run diabolic device, 30 seconds is quite good time to heat some glue. You can hear gurgle inside microwave, but don’t be affraid, It wont explode.

After coocking you’ll get elastic portion of daemonic skin, if glue is too wet put it back and heat more. It should be half dry because when it’s too wet you’ll get dirty fingers, and if too dry you’ll be unable to put it on model without problems. Just experiment with coocking time because it can be very different depending on glue layer thickness and area.

Ok, if you have good skin it should look like below, it’s ready to attach on models. Stretch some skin and wrap your mini parts with this.

It look like below.

Obeliators are almost ready. I mask connections with mix of superglue and white glue. In this link you can find how to mix and how does it work.

At last! Painted flesh! Yummy!

Hope you eat breakfast before reading ;)

17 myśli na temat “Nurgle daemonic skin

  1. Hi, C’tan!

    Please, could you write a painting tutorial for this skin? I mean the last photo.
    I’m going to work on the Nurgle army, so it would be beautiful to make most of them look like this.

    Hope to hear an answer from you!

  2. What I’d do i is a base coat of a fleshy color, then a wash of a red to get into the crevices, then dry brush the base coat on top.

  3. This is fantastic! Do you need to do anything extra to hold the glue skin in place or does it bond by itself? Do you need to take care not to tear or break it during painting, or is it quite durable?

    1. It bond itself and when dry is very durable. It depend how thick layer you apply. You can always try on test miniature/object how it behave to get best results :)

  4. Hey man,I just do everything like you say but only get a piece of wet thing(I even try to cook it for 2 mins!).I also made it thing but it still doesn’t work.

    1. I don’t know why it didn’t work for you. Maybe you have used different glue or something.

  5. Hej, spróbowałem tego patentu i działa. Tylko mam wrażenie, że osiągam dosyć płytkie efekty pofałdowania. Podpowiesz czy na płytce przed wsadzeniem do mikrofali dajesz klej prosto z pojemnika, a może rozcieńczony, raczej cienka warstwa czy grubsza?

    1. Hej, właściwe to nie pamiętam do końca jak to z tym było bo nie robiłem tej sztuczki już dawno. Pamiętam, że dużo zależało od marki kleju i nie z każdym działało tak samo. Niektóre lepiej a się fałdowały a niektóre gorzej. Możesz też spróbować dodać odrobinę wody i mocno wstrząsnąć klej (im więcej pęcherzyków powietrza tym chyba lepiej). Nie dam sobie za to ręki uciąć, że tak to działa. Musisz popróbować różne konfiguracje.

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