How to paint Stonehorn?

I’ve got a lot of mails with questions about my lastest mini so I decided to write something about it ;) I don’t have any WIP pictures of it except the base. Whole work on this model took about ~35h so not so long. I don’t remember all stages and colors so please note that it’s only reconstruction of my progress ;)

I use some shortcuts so there is a little explanation.

P3 – Privater Press P3 Paints

VMC – Vallejo Model Color

GW – Games Workshop


First of all you don’t have to assembly all parts of mini. I leave separately head of stonehorn, shields, ogre, saddle  and addons on back of stonehorn like chicken and ribs. It will help by painting, because you can reach all parts of model very easy. After painting I put parts together.


I use for basecoat B&W sprays, first black then white from above to get horizontal lightning and lighter colors.


First layers of paint was applied with an airbrush to save valuable time.

  1. Bloodstone (P3) mixed with Scorched Brown (GW).
  2. Pure Bloodstone (P3).
  3. Snakebite Leather (P3).
  4. After airbrushing I used Ogryn Flesh (GW) wash to make some shadows and I applied it on whole fur.
  5. When wash was dry I rehighlighted light areas with Ember Orange (P3) mixed with Ivory (VMC). I got very pale yellow color in raised areas.
  6. I added Ember Orange (P3) glaze to get pure and shiny yellow.
  7. Next glazes of Ember Orange (p3) and Ivory (VMC).
  8. Edges highlight with Ivory (VMC) and in most raised areas with White (VMC).
  9. I used Blazing Orange (GW) to make smooth transitions with midtones and shadows.
  10. Scorched brown (GW) is used to shade dark areas and Black Glaze (VMC) in most recess areas.


Skin can’t be very light so I decided to make it really dark to contrast fur.

  1. Base is Bastion Grey (P3).
  2. I washed skin areas with Black Glaze (VMC).
  3. Rehighlights with Bastion Grey (P3).
  4. Edges highlight with Bastion Grey (P3) mixed with White (VMC).
  5. Lastest highlights with Frostbite (P3).

Leather stripes

  1. Base is Khemri Brown (GW)
  2. Shadows are made of Scorched Brown (GW) and Black Glaze (VMC).
  3. Highlights are Khemri Brown (GW) mixed with Ivory (VMC).
  4. Edges highlights are Ivory (VMC) and White (VMC).
  5. I made additional cuts on leather with Ivory (VMC) and Dark Flesh (GW) mixed with Thamar Black (P3).


  1. Horns are painted with Chadron Granite (GW) as basecoat.
  2. I add highlights with Chadron Granite (GW) and Ivory (VMC)  in center of skull and shadows on horns with Chaos Black (GW) which is more matt than Thamar Black from P3.
  3. Now I highlight edges with Underbelly Blue (P3).
  4. Most raised edges are highlighted with Frostbite (P3).


This is really simple.

  1. Firstly, I painted all metal areas with Boltgun Metal (GW) and gold areas with Shining Gold (GW) mixed with Scorched Brown (GW).
  2. Then I applied Devlan Mud (GW) wash to all metal and gold areas.
  3. When it’s dry on metal areas I add also Badab Black (GW) wash.
  4. For gold highlights I use pure Shining Gold (GW) and for metal paint chips Chainmail (GW).
  5. All patina areas are made of  watered down Hawk Turquoise (GW).

Saddle bones

This is also very, very simple ;) I wanted to have very light bone color. There is no shadows. Only midtones and highlights.

  1. Basecoat is Astronomican Grey (GW) mixed with Dheneb Stone (GW).
  2. Highlights are from White.

Ogre Skin

  1. Basecoat is Tallarn Flesh (GW).
  2. Wash is Ogryn Flesh (GW).
  3. Highlight with Tallarn Flesh (GW) and Elf Flesh (GW).
  4. Highlight with Elf Flesh (GW) mixed with White.
  5. Edges with White.

Fur of wild boar on ogre

I tried to make it as fast as I could, because there was no time for miracles ;)

  1. Basecoat is Cathalan Brown (GW).
  2. Whole fur was washed with Devlan Mud (GW).
  3. Rehighlighted with Cathalan Brown (GW).
  4. Highlights with Cathalan Brown (GW) mixed with Bleached Bone (GW).
  5. Edge highlights with Bleached Bone (GW) and White.


Just take transparent plastic rod and heat it. Grab two ends of rod and pull. You will get iceicles. Just cut off excess of plastic. Something similar as this mini bottles tutorial. I use transparent Poxipol glue to fix them on horns.


Baking soda mixed with water effect and water. Snow dispersions are made of the same mix but applied on old brush and blowed with airbrush on model.

Ufffffffffffff…. I tried to make a complete list of paints but propably I forgot some of them. If you have any questions about painting feel free to ask.

4 myśli na temat “How to paint Stonehorn?

  1. C’tan, nie masz po jakimś czasie problemów z żółknącym „śniegiem” z sody? Próbowałem kilka razy zrobić mieszankę tego rodzaju wykorzystując sodę i po kilkunastu miesiącach „śnieg” w widoczny sposób żółknął.

  2. Tutek jak zawsze w dechę ale dla mocno zaawansowanych, ja mam ciągle problem z blendingiem i fajnie by było zobaczyć tego typu porady…

  3. Wiem, że to tutek dla bardziej zaawansowanych ale niestety nic na to na razie nie mogę poradzić. Czasu mam mało, na pisanie bloga jeszcze mniej. Postaram się zrobić jakiś wideotutorial z blendingiem i innymi podstawami. Póki co mogę polecić tutoriale na ze świetnej strony o malowaniu a mianowicie Massive Voodoo. Tam znajdziecie też podstawy jak mieszać farby, blendować, glazować itp.

    Jeśli o śnieg chodzi to nie zauważyłem jeszcze, żeby ta mieszanka zmieniała kolor. Pewnie zmieni skoro tak mówisz. Zawsze można sypać śnieg od Games Workshop który raczej nie zżółknie.

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