Hello, today I found a problem. I’m constructing small diorama with Stormtalon as a base for Necron Tomb Stalker. I wanted to have broken glass in canopy and firstly I want to cut off small glasses with hobby drill from original canopy. Clear plastic is not so elastic as grey one and canopy can be broken during drilling I thought.
So it’s better to cut it off from plasticard. Draw shapes, cut them off and assembly new frame. It’s not so good idea, it take too much time and hard to get right angles of frame.
Now I’ll show you fastest way how to make frame with good angles and size (a bit bigger than original but hard to see without meter).
Mount canopy to some pen or something other good for holding. You can mount it in someone’s hand or hobby vice. It have to be stable place.
Turn on fire!
Heat thin plasticard but not burn it, it’s good to make it slowly. When you have elastic plasticard just pull it on canopy and wait a moment to plasticard harden. Be careful, it can be very hot!
Alright, copy is ready, it’s a bit bigger than original canopy but in this case it’s not a problem.
I placed mask on original canopy and cut off excess of plasticard with scissors.
Now size is almost the same. When you look trough the light you’ll see lines of original frame.
Draw it on plasticard mask.
Now cut off windows.
Canopy ready! Also I’ll add later some broken glass from blisters clear plastic. Hope you find it useful! :)
Wow, bardzo pomysłowe i przydatne!
Świetny tutorial, dzięki za podzielenie się nim :)
Jak zwykle to była szybka kuchenna improwizacja :)
No to czekamy na malowanie tego „rozpiździelu ” :)
Już jest pomaziane, post wyżej :)