I was thinking a long time how to convert this beast to fit my nurgle rotten needs. This is how does it look like now. List of modifications: shorter neck added some cables and wiresContinue reading
Kategoria: Warhammer 40k
Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer
At last, I can present you finished mini of Thousand sons marine. It’s my first mini of this theme but I think there will be more of it in future. Hope you like it!
some bomber WIP pictures
Hello, just want to show you some progress with chaos bomber (Hell Talon from Forge World). And below is the plan how to paint bomber :D
Space Wolves Droppod
Hello, next minis from Space Wolves range. Painted similar as my previous Skyrar’s Droppod but this time it’s a non chaotic version. Hope you like it!
How to paint green camo
Hello, today I found some pictures and I can show you how I painted camo on Salamander’s Storm Talon. First I paint it with white primer and airbrushed black on panel lines. It’s called preshadingContinue reading
Vargard Obyron
Some green and turquoise Necron. Hope you like it! :)
Chaos Nurgle Lord (acid version)
This time….. in a bit different color scheme. My first mini finished in 2013! Yeah! Hope you like it! Also you can check my 1st, 2nd, 3rd visions of this mini.
Nurgle Chaos Lord conversion
Hello, just want to show you my latest conversion of Chaos Lord in Terminator armour placed on palanqiun and equiped with Balck Mace (step by step how I made mace). Mini is placed on 50mmContinue reading
Space Wolves Stormtalon
Hello, it’s winter time so I show you winter minis. It’s Space Wolves Stormtalon, me and owner know that SW doesn’t use it in their codex. It’s just expanding SW collection. Hope you like unusualContinue reading
Bjorn the fell-handed
Some wintery commission work, hope you like it ;)
Eldar Ranger
Commission work. 54 mm miniature from GW Inquisitor range. One of my favourite 54mm mini to paint. Hope you like it! :) Also here you have picture of base without paint. Materials used: some metalContinue reading
This guys I painted some time ago were testers before I paint Skaven Brood Horror, I was looking for good saturation for sick skin. Hope you like it!
Death Guard Sorcerer on Daemonic Mount
This time it’s going to my cabinet to meet other Death Guard minis. It’s converted from metal Khorne Juggernaut, Death Guard from Forge World, some bits from Plaguebearers and some random bits. Robe is sculptedContinue reading
Lamenters Land Raider Redeemer
Hello, I’d like to present my vision of Lamenters Land Raider, also you can find some wip pics and tutorial – how to paint checker. Hope you like it! And here is comparision of whiteContinue reading
CSM Sorcerer
Old, metal Chaos Space Marines Sorcerer from GW. I like this much more than new finecast version. It has something that I can’t explain. Hope you like it!
Small experimet and test of new GW glazes. I use white primer for basecoat, 3 glazes, black, white and silver paint to finish this guy. As you can see you don’t need hundred of paintsContinue reading
Hellbrute 2
My second version of Hellbrute. More dark, and more agressive. Hope you like it! :)
Blood Angels Baal
Huh, it’s a just red beast. I like this color scheme, just bloody red and some black details. Hope you like it too.
Skyrar’s Drop Pod
Commission work, drop pod for Skyrar’s Terminators I painted some time ago. Hope you like it!
Salamanders Stormtalon
Commission work, quite chalenging mini to paint. It’s painted the same way as Land Raider Achilles I’ve done some time ago. Hope you like it! :)
Commission work, 54mm metal mini, painted ONLY with acrylics, hope you like it! :)
Chaos Nurgle Lord
Hi, it’s my next (3rd) vision of Nurgle Lord, this time converted to Warhammer 40k. Hope you like it! and a little bonus to Lord ;)
CSM Hellbrute
Hi, just want to show you Hellbrute from Dark Vengance, new starter box for Warhammer 40.000, painted simialar to my pevious Skyrar’s Dark Wolves, hope you like it! Soon, I’ll show you more minis fromContinue reading
Space Wolves Land Raider / Crusader / Redeemer
Land Raider with interchangeable weapons, so it can be used as Land Raider, Crusader and Redeemer. Next tank with this color scheme, you can also check Rhino/Razorback in this colors. Side weapons are mounted onContinue reading
Dark Vengance… yes, we’re working on it ;)
…whole day with new minis.
Skyrar’s Dark Wolves Terminators
Commission work. Some really bad guys converted from Space Wolves Wolf Guard Terminators and Chaos Marines Terminators plus some parts from Forge World. That’s a quite nice mix. Hope you like it! Main color forContinue reading
Space Wolves Razorback
Commission work, different look of my previous SW color schemes. Soon I’ll show you Land Raider Crusader in the same colors.
Big, heavy guy from GW Inquisitor specialist game. It’s very heavy and can broke your hand during painting :D Hope you like it!
Space Marine Sergeant
Web Exclusive Space Marine Sergeant from my collection. Hope you like it! :)
Typhus Herald of Nurgle
Typhus, quite nice guy. I want to paint him yellow green colors with some weathering. Hope you like it ;)
Inquisitor Coteaz
Just a test model. Main target -> practice of painting metallics. Hope you like it ;)
Eldar The Hand of Asur
Commkission work. Eldar Phoenix Lord Asurmen, The Hand of Asur in rather unnusual color scheme. Hope you like it!
Ork Blitza Bommer
Yo boyz and girlz, u can watcha new bomma from Gamez Workshopz (GW). Da Mek paint it RED! As you know red go fasta!
Nazgrub Wurrzag
Commission work. Nazgrub Wurrzag Scrap Prospector from Gorkamorka, really character mini ;) I paint also Red Gobbo from this boardgame, you can check him here – Red Gobbo.
Crimson Fists Capt. Cortez
Commission work. Captain Cortez from Crimson Fists chapter. Very interesting mini, I add some freehands to clothes and armor plates to decorate model ;) Just want to paint him shiny but weathered armor. Hope youContinue reading
Bana Weaver
Hi, this mini is a main prize at „Play Mini Of The Month XXXV” contest on Polish WFB forum. It have to motivate users to paint minis in their armies ;) All participants are winners,Continue reading
Ork Warboss
At last! Finished! Pale and sepia toned Ork. Hope you like it! :) Commission work.
Ork work
Today I’m working with BIG Ork… ..and listening to some „classic” music, it really improve painting! :)
Painting yellow pads
Very good color to start is Iyanden Darksun (GW). It’s very opaque so, propably 2-3 layers is enough to cover pad in any color. Next mix base color with Dark Flesh (GW) and use itContinue reading
Space Wolves Land Raider Reedemer
Huh, it’s quite cold… snowy.. Part of bigger Space Wolves army. Commission Work. Hope you like it! ;)
Space Wolves Captain
Another Space wolves commission work, this time it’s a captain. Hope you like it and let the paint be with you! ;)
Minderz and Weirdboy ’91
Commission work. Space Ork Weirdboy Minderz holding wierdboy released in 1991. Really funny guys I’ve never seen this mini painted, now it’s a good time to look at them painted, hope you like it :)
Turquoise stone tutorial
Hi, some people ask me to write this tutorial, I got pictures but I don’t have time to do it earlier. First of all I make a texture over my surface using not veryContinue reading
Necron Canoptek Spyder
I buy this guy for some practice with green OSL.. Best view is when he is upside-down, like a dead bug ;)
Tau Commander Shadowsun
Yeah, my first minis from Tau, very interesting range of minis, some manga style, big guns, transformers, bla bla bla… Very good if you want to try paint some white. Really challenging color, but don’tContinue reading