I made this sorcerer long time ago, when I start collecting CSM but it left unfinished in bag for around 2 years, It need around 3 hours to finish but you know, sometime it haveContinue reading
Kategoria: Warhammer 40k
Sons of Horus Contemptor (2)
Second of two Sons of Horus Contemptor Dreadnoughts. I tried to make unusual green with nice reflections. Hope you like it!
Sons of Horus Contemptor (1)
First of two Sons of Horus Contemptor Dreadnoughts. I tried to make unusual green with nice reflections. Hope you like it!
Typhus (conversion)
I’d like to show you my Typhus Conversion based on one of CSM codex artworks. Hope you like it! Here are some WIP shots and parts fiting. and the concept art:
Hello, next version of Chaos Space Marines Hellbrute, this time on display base, hope you like it! :) You can also check my previous Hellbrute (1st) and Hellbrute (2nd).
Nurgle Lord
Hello, next nurgle lord, it won Silver trophy at Hussar 2013 painting competition. It’s heavily converted and painted with true metallics. Hope you like it!
Red Scorpions Achilles
Next stuff for Red Scorpions after Rhino, Land Raider Achilles – in my opinion best version of Land Raider. Hope you like it!
Red Scorpions Rhino
Finished rhino with freehanded Red Scorpions symbols, it got 'first cut’ at Hussar 2013 painting competition. Hope you like it!
Another commission work, space marine with Heavy Flamer standing on lava base, what else need a Salamander? Hope you like it! :) Also if you like the base just check out Lava bases tutorial IContinue reading
Wolf Lord in Terminator Armour
Hello, I’d like to show you my another painted mini. This time it’s Wolf Lord, big, bad guy with big hammer and sick face. Hope you like it!
Imperial Fists Marine
Continuation of Space Marines loyalist serie you can find on my blog. Marine have converted stormbolter. For more of this guys check Gallery|Single Minis. Hope you like it!
Iron Fist Marine
Hello, today I can show you conversion of Iron Fist using tesla gun stolen from Necrons. It’s a commission work. Hope you like it!
Nurgle Lord
Hello, again the same mini converted for my army, occassionally it won Bronze at GD Germany 2013 :) I paint this guy 5 or 6th time but I still like the sculpt. Hope you likeContinue reading
Meadow of Doom
Hello, finally I got some pics of my Wraithknight hunting for butterfly ;) It was my entry GD Germany entry. Painted for fun as you can see and it still bringing a lot of fun.Continue reading
World Eaters LR Helios
I remember that I have firefighter truck in my childhood and this LR remind it a bit Hope you like it!
White Scars Assault Marine
Hello, it’s next marine from SM chapter loyalist pack. I really like to paint white color, It’s shaded with blue-grey colors and some dirty one (Agrax Earthshade). Antoinette said that’s a cheat but every miniatureContinue reading
Dark Angels Sergeant
Hello, today I can show you Dark Angels Sergeant, I want to make his armour smoth and clean with some OSL effects on guns. Hope you like it! :)
Blood Slaughterer
Hello, today I can present you very nice sculpt from Forge World, painted with true metallics as usual ;)
Nurgle Herald
Hello, today I can present you stinking and rotten Herlad sculpted and painted by me (head and horn is plastic bitz, it was leftovers from nurgle drones) Part of my nurgle army. What do youContinue reading
some work with freehands :)
Last time I want to paint something different than simple guys without any decorations and flat colors. Below is the result. Krueger from Circle of Orboros white sketch on base color some fading with yellowContinue reading
Cpt. Cato Sicarius
Hello, last time I showed unfinished Sicarius, but now you can see him fully painted. It’s a copy of GW studio boxart. Also if you’re interested in making similar display plinth just check this link:Continue reading
Nurgle Sorcerer
Finally I found some time to take some shots of my sorcerer, I painted it some time ago but I forgot about him and he left long time in a cabinet with other guys. It’sContinue reading
It’s a continuation of loyalists Space Marines I’m painting now, first was Blood Angel, now is Ultramarine and there will be more – for example White Scar, Salamander, Ravenguard and more.
Baal Predator
Some red, bloody dirty tank ;) Just for blood god. I used mostly GW Blood Red paint as usual. Happily I’ve got about 4-5 pots left so I think it will be enough for moreContinue reading
Chaos Land Raider
Hello, I can proudly present you another part of bigger CSM army, color scheme as before HellBlade, it’s a part of bigger CSM army. As you can see there is also upgradges from Forgeworld –Continue reading
Hell Blade (2)
Hello, this is my second painted Hell Blade from Forge World, It’s the same look as previous one. You can also check earlier Hell Blade. Hell Talon surely will be looking much better with twoContinue reading
Ork Snikrot
I love this mini (sculpt but not finecast poor interperation), agressive pose and whole look. I always wanted to paint this – and now it’s done. It has US gulf war camo on pants andContinue reading
..strong contrast practicising
During Easter I practice some strong contrast, NMM and saturated colors painting in different way as I usual paint. I start from black basecoat and It’s really hepful sometime If you want to have strongContinue reading
CSM Sorcerer
This guy is a continuation of series of old metal chaos miniatures. You can also check converted Abaddon, Exalted Lord, and some bigger toys like Hellblade and Helltalon. Soon I’ll show you Land Raider andContinue reading
Daemon Prince conversion
Some time ago I made dp conversion, but yesterday finally I add staff, let me know what do you think :)
CSM Terminator Lord
Hello, I want to show you Chaos Space Marines Lord in terminator armour with custom cape and painted with true metallics. Soon I’ll show you rest of chaos minis I’m painting now. Also you canContinue reading
Astorath the Grim
This is my second Astorath the Grim, this time commissioned, what a pity that It have to be a copy of previous Astorath and I can’t paint it different. As you probably know I don’tContinue reading
Blood Angels Assault Marine
Hi, today is day of blood, exactly Blood Angels. Deep red of shiny armour can kill enymies very fast like a chainaxe. Probably you can ask about red I painted. It’s a bit tricky, becauseContinue reading
CSM Slaanesh Lord
Pink panther escaped from pajamas party! Slaanesh Lord in Childrens of the Emperor color scheme, I don’t remember when I was painting pink, surely cool color to paint. I want more pink I think. HopeContinue reading
Justaerin Patter Terminators
..at last – finished Justaerin Pattern Termiantors with Cataphractii arms and weapons. 9 Terminators with Abaddon, you can also check Abaddon pictures) Terminators are TT++ level, not for winning competitions but looking great in cabinetContinue reading
Abaddon the Despoiler (conversion)
Hello, today I have some new minis for you. Abaddon the Despoiler made of Justaern Pattern Terminator, holding Bloodletter sword, some CSM lord bits and other smaller stuff. Hope you like it! It’s a partContinue reading
Long Fangs
Continuation of SW army. You can also check Bjorn, and some other SW minis I painted.
Kranon cape WIP shots
Finally I’ve found some time to paint my minis, Kranon is waiting for some paint till 40k starter release. He was a couple of months forgotten. Now I paint some details on cape. Pattern isContinue reading
Nurgle Lord conversion
Again Nurgle lord? Yup, I really like this mini for variety of ways it can be used. Today I can present you next conversion of this guy made by me. You can find here aContinue reading
Dark Eldar Archon
My lastest commission work, Dark Eldar Archon painted with cold color palette. Hope you like it! :)
Custom warhammer templates
Hello, I wanted to have some more custom templates for my nurgle army so I made one. Cut from 1mm thick plasticard and painted with acrylics. Concept sketched on plasticard. Comparison of original one. PaintedContinue reading
Chaos IG Vendetta (WIP)
some Vendetta with camo based on WWII Luftwaffe night camo. Hope you like it! :)
Chaos IG Manticore
Hello, it’s my version of Chaos IG camouflage, based on night German bombers from WWII. Hope you like it! :)
Chaos Hell Blade Fighter
Some more chaos aircrafts I painted recently. It was a commission work. Hope you like it! :) and group picture:
Chaos Hell Talon Bomber
Hello, just want to show you my recently painted bomber. It was a commission work. and a group picture